This is what we do at VIDA....create conversations in Spanish and English, online, on the radio or television, and in print that bring our clients business and opportunities. We recently launched (or perhaps re-launched) our Hispanic Communications Division at VIDA PR. We're excited about the future. We "dip our toes" in the Hispanic Communications waters from time to time to see what's out there, and this time we want to go all in...fully body.
Since I have been in Memphis, I have watched the Hispanic community grow and change. When I started VIDA in 2003, I was on a break from teaching Spanish and was attending the University of Memphis for a second Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations. My advisor at the time, the very wise Dr. Rick Fischer, told me that I since I had a Bachelors, a Masters, work experience, was bilingual in Spanish, wrote well, and commnicated clearly, he didn't see wat was stopping me from starting my own firm. After my 3rd semester, I did just that.
When I started VIDA, everyone knew me as "the Spanish chick," either for doing translations, teaching classes, or tutoring. Still, I was dead set against becoming "the Spanish firm." I wanted to do exciting things like clubs and parties. Ahhh..but I lived in Memphis, so it was always a little watered down. I fought and fought the corporate life and Spanish firm for 4 years and managed to have a pretty exciting life and career. Then, after the birth of my daughter things changed...I wasn't such a partier anymore. I opened a tax company that targets the Hispanic community and created a solid brand and successful business.
Here and there,I did some Hispanic Marketing/Communications consulting, but still with caution. I would watch the market and see who was doing the top Hispanic marketing work in our area and no one really stuck out. Since 1998, there have only been a few firms pop up in Tennessee, and surrounding areas.
We're back and we're shouting from the moutain tops that we are in the Hispanic Communications race and tend to blaze new trails in the South East and beyond. Hoorah!
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