Monday, June 21, 2010

Doing Business in the Hispanic Community is Business Not Personal

I have spent a lot of time lately talking to business owners and heads of professional organizations about reaching out to and doing business with the Hispanic community. Out of 5 of these conversations at least 3 of them become a debate of immigration and how "they" should learn to speak English and do business like everybody else. Wow, really?! I must then begin down the "multicultural marketing is important and if you don't differentiate your message you're doomed to miss out" road.


Whether you believe in immigration reform, don't like anyone brown, or want an English-only America, business owners, corporations, non-profits, etc should only look at the bottom line and the facts. Hispanics' spending power is into the TRILLIONS (that's right, with a T!). Money isn't white, black, yellow, brown, or's green. If you can provide outstanding customer service, a top product or service, and relate to your Hispanic buyer in a real way, you will reap the rewards. If you choose to stay in an "ugly" place, your competitors will surely welcome in those dollars.
~These are my two cents. What do you think?

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